1) Ten of Wands

What creates balance...?
...Is leaving what is not true.

Lean into fruitful states,
Waves of well being,
...and ease.

Why struggle?
There is much support at hand...

Intend, will and command,
Ease and flow...

Let go of the worry,
Let go of what is not true...

Know lightness.
Enjoy the liberation...

Tarot as a Verb Invocation:

“I am Delegating and Liberating.”


2) Five of Swords

Hearts opening,
Ground shaking,
The air feels consistent,
With the emotions at play.

A heart in wonder,
Breathing slow,
Resting in pace,
As the shadows unveil.

Opening surrender,
Each moment anew,
How it is to feel,
One’s truthful state.

Free to feel now,
The connective embrace,
Of attention and is-ness,
In a quiet place.

Tarot as a Verb Invocation:

“I am free to feel.”


3) The High Priestess

The story is clear in the eyes...
Connecting to Self,
Integrated as one, are we...

Presence in the moment at play,

One attunes to the qualities, of appreciation, commitment, and compassion.

One way or another,
Source fulfills all,

I am True Presence...

Tarot as a Verb Invocation:

“I am True Presence.”


Thank you. Bless you. Love you.
Eye Psychics: Tarot, Magic, Divination


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